Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's Okay

I'm Con and It's okay to be me. 2/12/12

I kept myself from the world.
I concealed from everyone who I really was.
I laughed, I smiled, I talked, I mingled.
Some even described me happy-go-lucky.

But, they never really knew me.

I started hiding.
Thinking maybe, this was how it supposed to be.
I was living a life not even known to me.
Thinking maybe, this was the life meant for me.

Then you came,
You seen me
And looked right through me.

How could you know who I was all along?
How could you see the real person I was hiding?
How could you read my heart and soul without trying?

It's okay to be me, you said.


And, that's something. 
Now, I still hear your voice whispers,

- It's okay to be... me.

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